We help people pursue enlightenment and purpose

At One Moksha, we believe enlightenment is the birthright of every human being. We give you the community, tools, and guidance needed to pursue your path.

One Moksha creates programs that help people pursue alignment and enlightenment

At One Moksha, we believe enlightenment is the birthright of every human being. We give you the community, tools, and guidance needed to pursue your path.

A personal growth community

Eyes Wide Open is a community dedicated to supporting you in your personal growth journey, from live weekly calls to special members-only transformational programs.

Why We exist

"We are all just walking each other home"


One Moksha creates a space for you to find the answers to your most important questions. We are not here to give you a course or step-by-step tool or spiritual trick. We are here to love you into a lifestyle of knowing yourself so deeply that you can share your heart openly with the world without doubt, insecurity, or hesitation.

We know you are here to create a bigger impact, and we also know that most people feel stuck. If you’re one of those people, you’re in good company. So many people today are stuck in a life they were guided to live by society, their family, and their friends.

For these people, something will inevitable feel missing. They will know there is more to life. They will know they were made for more.

The people we support at One Moksha never flourished by following the rules, adhering to step-by-step processes, or succumbing to hard lines. 

They love freedom, thrive on challenge, and desire to live in a way that gives them the flexibility they know is possible. They want more. They are here for a higher purpose. They know their nine-to-five, or even the business they built, can’t be all there is to this thing called life.

Become part of a community, not a library of content

There’s enough personal growth information out there to make our eyes glaze over. What we need isn’t more content: it’s more connection.

That’s exactly what we built The Brilliant Rebellion for.

Take part in experiences that feed your soul

What started as a public speaking course has turned into a movement of people who are digging deep to find the best versions of themselves, heal trauma, and pursue great, big visions.

Are you one of those people?