The Secrets of Scarcity


There's a lot of talk of abundance these days, yet in order to understand it, we have to first understand scarcity—and that can be uncomfortable.

To live an abundant life, we need to know how to recognize and remove scarcity from our lives—specifically from vicious cycles we call “Scarcity Loops.”

In this online Soul Mixer, Melanie & Dan will explore scarcity with new perspectives you may not have held before. We’ll gently peel back the layers of different areas of life that scarcity can wiggle its way into. 

When we’re done, we’ll have equipped you with practical tools that can help you enter a more permanent state of attraction.

Live on Zoom — No Recordings

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meet your hosts

Melanie Spring & Dan Russell

Melanie Spring and Dan RussellWhen we got married, we both had our own version of scarcity mindsets. Whether it was a belief around not having enough time, or worries around not having enough money, scarcity had permeated our lives in one way or another—and it had been that way for years.

It wasn’t until we began having conversations about how exhausting these feelings were. How useless and tiring it is to worry about not having “enough” of something.

Through those conversations and our personal growth paths, we began to discover that “abundance” didn’t just mean lack of scarcity. It meant a whole lot more than that.

We began shifting our words. We changed our attitudes when talking about time and money. And after enough time, we noticed that the burden of scarcity began to feel lighter.

Today, we’ve not only cultivated a strong attitude of abundance in our own lives, but we also teach it to our clients at One Moksha.

In this live online soul mixer, we’ll jump on a group Zoom call for some discussion and breakout rooms to help you begin cultivating your own attitude of abundance. Get ready for deep conversations and important tools that you’ll be ready to put to work by the end of our time together.

We hope to see you on the call!

When we got married, we both had our own versions of scarcity mindset. Whether it was a belief around not having enough time, or worries around not having enough money, scarcity had permeated our lives in one way or another—and it had been that way for years.

It wasn’t until we began having conversations about how exhausting these feelings were. How useless and tiring it is to worry about not having “enough” of something.

Through those conversations and our personal growth paths, we began to discover that abundance kept feeling out of reach because we kept keeping it out of reach through our words and attitudes.

We began shifting our words. We changed our attitudes when talking about time and money. And after enough time, we noticed that the burden of scarcity began to feel lighter. 

Today, we’ve not only cultivated a strong attitude of abundance in our own lives, we also teach it to our clients at One Moksha. 

In this free live Soul Mixer, we’ll jump on a group Zoom call for some discussion and breakout rooms to help you begin cultivating your own attitude of abundance through looking at your relationship with scarcity. Get ready for deep conversations and important tools that you’ll be ready to put to work by the end of our time together.

We hope to see you on the call!

We don't always host digital events, but when we do, we do them right

At One Moksha, we support humans who have chosen to live authentic lives. We equip them with the tools they need to walk their path with confidence and we surround them with a supportive community built around mutual trust. Although the path starts with a simple community gathering like this, our family of brands, like the Brilliant Rebels Experience and Hama, can help you figure out what you want from life—and how to get it. We feel that the feedback speaks for itself.

"Holy shit... I did it!"

What to know before you sign up:

The Secrets of Scarcity

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